Would you like to learn more about USA Ultimate and how to help develop ultimate in your community? Below you can read about a number of ways to get involved. USA Ultimate headquarters are based in Colorado Springs, Colo.
National Program Opportunities & Initiatives:
Full-Time | Part-Time | RFP | National Teams | Internships
State/Regional/Local Opportunities:
State-Based Orgs | Coordinators | Writing | Coaching | Officiating
Full-Time Employment
National Team Opportunities
Internship Opportunities
State-Based Organizer Opportunities
Position descriptions are for identifying the primary leaders of the USA Ultimate State-Based Organization (SBO) initiative. Up to 3 of the following organizations (identified based on 2019 total members) are budgeted for USAU support to begin operations in 2020. Significant startup funding, in addition to a share of the state's members' dues, will be provided by USAU.
Note: These are entrepreneurial opportunities that will be tied directly to the establishment of brand-new independently incorporated state-based organizations (SBO) with all specific employment terms and parameters to be set and determined by the SBO's board of directors, as opposed to direct employment by USAU.
- Director of Texas Ultimate *
- Location: Texas
- Start date: 2020.
- Director of Virginia Ultimate *
- Location: Virginia
- Start date: 2020.
- Director of Washington Ultimate *
- Location: Washington (state)
- Start date: 2020.
- Director of Capital Ultimate *
- Location: Maryland, DC or Delaware
- Start date: 2020 or 2021.
* For all positions, please peruse this job description for more information. Also note that geographically adjacent states to the above can be combined under a single SBO, where geography and population dynamics make sense and where no other SBO is already in place.
Remote Volunteer Openings
Youth Outreach:
See the Youth Contacts page for a list of vacancies. Contact sarah@hq.usaultimate.org for more information.
Deadline: Rolling until filled
Deadline: Rolling until filled
Deadline: Rolling until filled
Youth Competition:
See the Youth Contacts page for a list of vacancies. Contact joy@hq.usaultimate.org for more information.
College Competition:
See the College Contacts page for a list of vacancies. Contact tom.manewitz@hq.usaultimate.org for more information.
Club Competition:
See the Club Contacts page for a list of vacancies. Contact carolina@hq.usaultimate.org for more information.
Masters Competition:
See the Masters Contacts page for a list of vacancies. Contact byron@hq.usaultimate.org for more information.
Spirit of the Game Working Group:
Writers and Content Producers
USA Ultimate Archives:
Local Team Coaching
Youth and college teams nationwide are searching for coaches to help take them to the next level. They need parents, former and current players and those simply interested in supporting players in a team environment to fill this role. There are a number of things you can do to get involved as a coach.
Find out How to Become a USA Ultimate Coach
Participate in the USA Ultimate Coaching Development Program to learn the skills and techniques fundamental to coaching ultimate teams of all levels;
Help start a team at your local middle school, high school, university or your own child's school;
Local organizations are often in need of coaches to assist, chaperone, mentor and guide youth teams in local leagues;
Working with existing coaches as an assistant coach provides a supportive environment for learning and allows coaches to shares the responsibilities;
Contact USA Ultimate for additional suggestions on where to look for coaching opportunities.
Event Observing (Officiating)
Are you interested in the rules of the game? Would you enjoy the fast-paced job of following a game down on the field, watching every play, while moving along with the players? In addition to arbitrating on disputed calls and handling conduct issues, observers assist with keeping time, keeping score, serving as an adult "supervisor" at youth games, acting as an official source for reporting information to/from a game, and helping inform players about how the game is expected to be played. With the tremendous growth our sport is experiencing, more and more observers are needed. Become a certified observer today!
Attend an Observer Training Clinic and become a certified observer;
Become an Instructional Observer. These game officials serve in a distinct (and somewhat reduced) role, compared with standard Observers, and focus primarily on providing instructional information about the game, helping players learn to self-officiate, and monitoring logistical and other factors necessary to facilitate game play.
Contact byron@hq.usaultimate.org for more information on the Observer program.