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State-Based Ultimate Organizations
The following overview is also available in printable format here.

USA Ultimate, with support from The Ultimate Foundation, has begun investing millions of dollars over 8-10 years starting in 2016, towards establishing new sustainable organizations to oversee the growth and activity of all aspects of ultimate within each U.S. state or multi-state region where appropriate. The search is now underway to engage motivated and high-energy individuals with a strong vision for growing the sport of ultimate to lead and build each organization. Below is an overview of the plans that are in motion.
First Three Official State-Based Organizations Designated in North Carolina, Minnesota and New England (covering a three-state area of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island) with operations beginning in 2016.
Principles & Goals:
To build a stable and sustainable national infrastructure of organizational excellence to grow the sport of ultimate and realize the vision and mission of USA Ultimate. Spread the ability to serve the ultimate community by empowering state organizations to take over many of the responsibilities of providing resources to local leagues, organizers, players, coaches & spectators, providing them support from a state-focused organization rather than from national staff in order to increase the sport's rate of growth and engage more youth in ultimate.
- Entrepreneurial philosophy, mindset, and approach
- Stimulate community innovation
- Economic sustainability and scalability
- Build local organizational capacity
- Focus on local growth of members, events and programs
- Grow youth ultimate
- Strong partnerships with USA Ultimate
What is a State-Based Ultimate Organization?
An extension and partner of USA Ultimate that serves to support the USA Ultimate vision and mission, bringing the USA Ultimate brand, programs and services to local Affiliates and communities within their boundary.
Purposes of a State-Based Organization
- Serve as a professional, non-profit organization and resource for ultimate with an Executive Director to serve Affiliates, coaches, program administrators, leagues, and fans in a given geographic region.
- Assist all Affiliates within the State Organization’s boundaries in offering national level programs, services & benefits created at Headquarters to all constituents in the local community.
- Represent the primary resource and unbiased support system for any and all leagues within the territory.
- Uphold USA Ultimate national standards (e.g., safety guidelines & best practices) within the territory.
- Deliver programs and services (Grants, Education & Training, CDP, OCP) to all constituents in the territory.
- Focus primarily on youth ultimate, education, and safety.
- Disseminate local and national ultimate news and communications to all constituents.
- Attract, train, and retain quality volunteers for both the State Organization and national service.
- Maintain organizational capacity to remain fully compliant with USA Ultimate governance.
- Remain fiscally responsible to represented constituents with USA Ultimate funds as well as additional funds generated through programs, events, local fundraising, and sponsorships.
Economics of a State-Based Organization
Each state organization will be an incorporated 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is supported by a revenue share from USA Ultimate, annual grants, endowments from the USA Ultimate Foundation, fundraising, event fees, and local sponsorships to achieve organizational mission and vision.
List of Benefits & Requirements
Interested in Leading a State-Based Organization?
We are currently seeking individuals in specific states to begin state-based operations in the next one to two years. See the position descriptions posted on our Get Involved (Jobs) page under the "State Organizers" section for details.
If you or someone you know is interested in being directly involved in creating a state-based ultimate organization for other states, please fill out this online interest form to share more about yourself and your capacity to be involved.
We look forward to growing the ultimate sport with you!