Established in 2004, the mission of the Ultimate Hall of Fame is to honor exceptional ultimate players and contributors who are worthy of recognition. The Ultimate Hall of Fame celebrates the history, honors excellence, promotes growth and preserves the legacy of ultimate and Spirit of the Game. Our vision is to celebrate and memorialize excellence in the sport of ultimate.
Although the Ultimate Hall of Fame remains a "virtual" hall for the time being, the long-range goal is to establish a permanent site. In the meantime, the inductees are currently honored with a plaque at the USA Ultimate headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo. The formal induction ceremony and celebration, which is held every five years in conjunction with the ultimate players' alumni reunion, was last held in 2018 alongside the USA Ultimate National Championships in San Diego, Calif. The next formal induction ceremony will be held in 2023 at the National Championships (location TBD) and will be the 55th anniversary of the founding of the sport.