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Ultimate in Your Community | Women's Development
The mission of the USA Ultimate Girls' and Women's Outreach Program is to support and develop materials, activities and programs designed to increase the number of girls and women who know, love and play ultimate.
Support offered for the development of girls' and women's ultimate includes:
Girls' Ultimate Movement

Girls' Ultimate Movement is a growing movement to increase girls' participation in Ultimate by USA Ultimate. Be a part of GUM and help inspire young female athletes to choose ultimate!
Women's Coaching Rebate

Attend a USA Ultimate Coaching Development Program Workshop and apply for the Coaching Corps Workshop Rebate Program.
Play It Forward

The Play It Forward program provides financial assistance for youth ultimate players with demonstrated financial need.
Grant for New Girls Teams

Brand new youth girls or college women's teams that are formed through USA Ultimate Affiliates are eligible to receive up to $500 in one-to-one matching grant funds from USA Ultimate. See here for more details!
New Start Grant Program

Apply to receive resources and materials to assist with the start-up of your new girl's or women's ultimate program! Women's and youth teams receive first priority.
Events Calendar

Check the USA Ultimate Events Calendar to find women's tournaments and other events in your area!
Paideia Groove
Paideia Groove, a HS girls team from Georgia, demonstrates what it’s like to both play and be a part of the amazing, tight-knit ultimate community.
College Women's Development
Resources for College Women's teams, including a development manual, webinars and information about the College Women's Start Up Project.
Links to more Girls' and Women's Ultimate Resources: