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The USA Ultimate Coaching Development Program presented by Five Ultimate is a process of educating coaches, professionalizing and growing the vocation of coaching, and creating a pool of qualified volunteers to help grow ultimate.
The Coaching Development Program is currently Under Construction. More information can be found here.

The Coaching Development Program includes:
Athlete Protection Guidelines
The Coaching Ethics Code
Coaching Requirements
Coaching Education Workshops
Women's Development Coach Rebate Program
USA Ultimate has run 100+ CDP workshops throughout the U.S. and certified over 1,400 coaches since the program's inception in 2004.
Women's Coaching Development
Are you a female coach or a coach of female players? If you attend a Coaching Development Workshop, you may be eligible for a rebate through the Women's Development Program. Visit Women's Development for details.
Refund Policy
- Full refunds will only be given for cancellations prior to the close of registration for each workshop.
- Once registration has closed, workshop fees will not be refunded. However, registration fees may be transferred to another coaching education clinic held before 12/31 of the following year. Contact to transfer your registration.
- Please note that the availability and location of Coaching Clinics varies year to year, and there may not be another clinic in your area within the time frame allowed for transferring registration fees.
- Fees associated with background screens, membership, or paypal will not be refunded by USA Ultimate at any time.
Coaches and volunteers who seek certification from USA Ultimate must consent to a background check prior to certification. The background check is conducted by a third party, The National Center for Safety Initiatives. The results of the search are provided to USA Ultimate for screening purposes only. USA Ultimate reserves the right to deny certification to coaches or volunteers when the background check or other information indicates felonies, any crimes involving children, any violent crimes, any crimes of a sexual nature or any other conduct or information causing USA Ultimate to deny certification.
The USA Ultimate Coach Certification is a statement only that the coach has successfully completed a program that teaches skills, tactics, strategy, rules and the Spirit of the Game. USA Ultimate is not in any way certifying the moral character of any coach or volunteer. The background check performed for USA Ultimate should not be relied on or used as a replacement for purposes of your own background check or investigation and/or complying with any requirement that might be imposed by a school district, sports league, etc. USA Ultimate's background check is current as of the time the coach or volunteer applies for certification.