The Coach Development Program is currently under revision.
USA Ultimate's coach education is divided into two levels, membership and certification.
To learn more about the requirements to be a coach member: Coach Membership educational requirements (this link will require you to be logged into your USA Ultimate account).
As of 2019, we will no longer be offering or re-certifying Level I and Ethics certifications. Members with these certifications will be able to use them to fulfill event requirements until the certification expires.
USA Ultimate is currently offering two certifications: Middle School and High School. As these certifications are not sequential, coach members will be able to take the certification is most appropriate to their situation. To find a Middle School or High School coaching clinic near you, please visit the USA Ultimate Events Page. The clinic is three hours long and organized by the local disc organization or state-based organization.
Work on the College/Club certification will begin in 2020.
How much will the new certifications cost?
CDP clinics will now cost $35 and they will be just over 3 hours long.
What will be required to register for a clinic?
In order to register you will have to have an active coach level membership. There will be no exceptions with this requirement.
Why can't I just re-certify my Level I certification?
One of the things we felt was very important was to make sure all coaches had the same base level of education. Since the new curriculum has new material, we felt it was important to get all coaches to go through this process. You will also get the chance to get more 5 Ultimate gear!
How can I make sure there are clinics in my area?
Each ultimate community will have to have their own CDP facilitators. We are no longer paying for CDP facilitators to fly around the country. If your Local Disc Organization (LDO) does not have a facilitator, reach out to them and help them recruit someone from the community. LDO's then pass the facilitator's name to the USAU Manager of Youth and Education ( and we will get them trained. These individuals can then run as many clinics as they want.
Can I just nominate myself to be a clinic facilitator (instructor)?
No, all facilitators must get the approval of their LDO and the LDO must submit the name to USA Ultimate. Individuals cannot do this on their own.
Are the certifications sequential?
No. Coaches may take any of the certifications, any time.
If it is not expired, will my Level I or Ethics certification still fulfill event requirements?
Yes, until a certification has expired it will fulfill any certification requirements USA Ultimate events might have.
What events have certification requirements?
For 2019:
College Nationals will require 1 coach to have a College/Club certification (or an unexpired Level I or Ethics certification).
US Open/YCC will require a High School or Middle School certification (or an unexpired Level I or Ethics certification).
Events will also have coach membership requirements not listed here.
USA Ultimate coaching partners: