Vote in the 2012 Board Election

Posted: October 23, 2012 04:26 PM


Vote Now for the 2012 Board of Directors

Voting is open in the 2012 USA Ultimate Board of Directors elections through 5pm MT Oct 31st.  

To case your vote, do the following:

There is no mail-in ballot option this year.  The winners will be announced by the end of year.


Appointed Position Nominations


USA Ultimate is now accepting nominations for the 2013 appointed position on the USA Ultimate Board of Directors. 

Ultimate is going through an exciting time! If you are excited about the prospects our sport holds, you could be a great candidate for USA Ultimate’s Board of Directors. Becoming a board member is one of the best ways to incorporate your ideas with the future to the sport. 

Candidates that fill the following representation gaps will receive additional consideration:

  • Parents of youth players
  • Management/finance expertise (CPA preferred)
  • Fundraising
  • Non-ultimate sports association

Your nomination should include the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact Information
  • Why do you think the candidate would make a good board member?
  • Have you made the candidate aware of their consideration?
  • Candidate level of interest (High, Probably, Unsure, Unknown)
  • Why they want to serve on the Board of Directors (if available)
  • Candidate characteristics that are important to their potential role on the Board (USAU member representation, functional skills, anecdotes of other relevant experience)


To nominate a candidate, please email the Nominating Committee at The deadline for nominations is November 6th at midnight MST.  

If you have any additional questions, please email the Nominating Committee at

See the list of your current Board of Directors.