USA Ultimate's Triple Crown tour partners with UCPC 2013

Posted: January 8, 2013 11:32 AM

Boulder, Colo. (January 7, 2013)– USA Ultimate, the National Governing Body for the sport of Ultimate in the United States, is pleased to announce that the Triple Crown Tour will be partnering with the Ultimate Coaches and Players Conference when it returns this March 2 to Boston.  USA Ultimate partnered with the conference in 2007 and 2008, the previous two UCPC conferences. Founders Tiina Booth and George Cooke said they were happy to welcome them back in 2013.  

The UCPC's focus this year will be education.  Speakers from all over the country will present on a wide range of topics and the keynote speaker is Ken Dobyns.  Registration open shortly and more information can be found at The Triple Crown Tour is excited to partner with the UCPC in 2013 in this aim. Education of Ultimate coaches, administrators and players is the fastest way to fuel the explosion of Ultimate and continue introducing the sport to elementary and middle school youth.

Beginning with the 2013 season, the Triple Crown Tour provides something for everyone and represents the next step in the evolution of the sport. The elements that have long made Ultimate so popular among players of all levels are the same ones that are propelling it to even greater interest within the sports community. The sport of Ultimate is growing and garnering new fans and players every day – the time for the Triple Crown Tour has come, and everyone is invited!

UCPC   Triple Crown Tour