USA Ultimate Weekly (August 1, 2016)

Posted: August 1, 2016 03:47 PM

Welcome to USA Ultimate Weekly, where we'll provide you with brief, weekly updates on happenings at USA Ultimate!

August 1, 2016:

• The World Junior Ultimate Championships are underway in Wroclaw, Poland! After day one of play, the U.S. men's and women's teams are both 2-0.


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• Last week, USA Ultimate CEO Tom Crawford churned out 8,000+ words in his Reddit AMA.



• 48 of the country's top teams battled it out at the Pro-Elite Challenge at Colorado Cup this weekend. Washington, D.C. Truck Stop (M), Boulder Love Tractor (X) and Seattle Riot (W) took home the tournament titles and prize money  


• Full-game footage from the 2016 U.S. Open Championships is starting to go up on our YouTube page.

Seattle Mixtape v. Minneapolis Drag'n Thrust


• Intro USA Ultimate memberships are available as of today! Any first-time USAU members can get their 2016 memberships ~half price. 



• Reminder: If you're interesting in applying to be a beach team manager for the U.S. Beach National Teams that will compete at the 2017 World Championships of Beach Ultimate, applications are due Wednesday, Aug. 3.



 Head coach applications for the 2018 U-24 U.S. National Teams are due next Tuesday, Aug. 12.  



• The 2016 Masters Championships are this weekend in Aurora, Colo. 




Check out the USA Ultimate mobile app!

The app is available for free for both iOS and Android. 

The initial launch of the app allows you to follow events, keep up with news, watch videos, check rules and read the USA Ultimate magazine. 

iOSapp       googleplay


Is there something you'd like to see here in future weeks? Let us know at #usauweekly.

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