USA Ultimate Taps Into the Newsletter Archives

Posted: October 29, 2011 04:33 PM



USA Ultimate is proud to announce that in upcoming months it is tapping into its previously unavailable newsletters and magazines archives for online viewing.


The magazine began in 1980 as the UPA Newsletter, and has gone through a number of dedicated editors, various designs, and a few name changes over the years.  In the fall of 2010, USA Ultimate posted an online version of the Fall 2010 magazine as a trial run to gauge interest in an electronic version of the magazine.  In time, the 140+ back issues will be posted online in a searchable format for former and current players to enjoy.  

The current issues will remain in print form only for now, but in time will also be made available.  Currently available in this initial release are the five first issues of the 1980 UPA Newsletter:




UPA Newsletter:
1980 Apr

  UPA Newsletter:
1980 Jun

  UPA Newsletter:
1980 Aug

  UPA Newsletter:
1980 Oct

  UPA Newsletter:
1980 Nov



Note: this release is the first step in many upcoming efforts related to improving the Ultimate history content on the website.  If you have any Ultimate history assets (photos, videos, news) that you would like to gift to this project, or if you wish to help this project in any ways, please contact