USA Ultimate statement regarding the U.S. Open

Posted: June 27, 2012 10:03 AM
Update: 6/29/2012
Boulder, Colo. (June 29, 2012)—USA Ultimate announced today revised plans for the  U.S. Open Ultimate Championships and Convention following a difficult and tragic week for its host city of Colorado Springs.
The world-class tournament and industry convention, scheduled for July 5-8, will go on as planned, however both elements have undergone significant changes.  Originally hosted by the Air Force Academy, the competition has been moved to Fountain Valley School in southeastern Colorado Springs. 
The organizer’s convention continues to be hosted at the Antlers Hilton Hotel, however several sessions have been cancelled and a new schedule has been published.
USA Ultimate regrets to announce that several of the social events planned around the U.S. Open have been cancelled, including the Opening Ceremonies and the Air Force Academy’s 4th of July Celebration, the VIP reception, and Fan Fest.
"We are grateful to the Colorado Springs community, despite the great duress and hardship many of its citizens and the entire city are experiencing, for welcoming us to the city for our event," commented Tom Crawford, CEO of USA Ultimate. "Our athletes and teams are excited to be coming and hope that families will come out to watch them play and derive some joy and happiness from the experience.  Our sport is very entertaining and we hope kids in particular will come out to watch.  Meanwhile, the thoughts and prayers of the entire Ultimate community nationwide are with the families that have lost their homes or endured the evacuation hardships and emotions, and with the amazing firefighters and emergency workers who have worked tirelessly and courageously to battle the fire and keep Colorado Springs safe."  

Update: 6/27/2012

Colorado Springs, Colo. (June 27, 2012)--We are incredibly sorry and disappointed to announce that Colorado Springs, our host city for the U.S. Open Ultimate Championships is under great duress due to a very dangerous and damaging wild fire.  Our thoughts and best wishes are with the many families who have lost their homes, and with the 600+ firefighters currently battling the blaze.
Coverage of the Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado Springs and Flagstaff Fire in Boulder:
We have been informed that the U.S. Air Force Academy – the championship venue of the inaugural U.S. Open Ultimate Championships, July 4-8, 2012 – may no longer serve as the host venue of the tournament because of the aggressive and rapidly advancing forest fires in the area.   
On Tuesday evening, with the fire advancing directly onto the grounds, the U.S. Air Force Academy announced a partial evacuation, as well as the tentative cancellation of all athletic events. This could change over the next two days, but only time will tell. The U.S. Air Force Academy has informed USA Ultimate that it will make a final decision on the availability of its athletic facilities on Friday, June 29. USA Ultimate will continue to keep the Ultimate community informed on the latest developments as they occur.  
Meanwhile, USA Ultimate has also learned that its primary backup competition venue is being utilized as an evacuation center for area residents. As a result, USA Ultimate and the Colorado Springs Sports Corporation are working non-stop to secure alternate field sites in Colorado Springs and create a contingency plan that will allow the U.S. Open Ultimate Championships to continue as planned.  The convention component remains completely unaffected.  Other elements of the event, such as the opening ceremonies, are likely to be affected by this local tragedy, and we are committed to making it the best event we possibly can under these uncontrollable, difficult, sad and tragic circumstances.
USA Ultimate continues to monitor the situation and will update all of the attendees and the Ultimate community with any developments as they occur. For the latest updates, please visit, or