USA Ultimate moving forward with restructuring of its Club division

Posted: March 14, 2011 04:23 PM


Several Improvements Planned to Enhance Playing Opportunities and Showcase the Sport
Boulder, Colo. (March 14, 2011)--In following its long-term strategic plan, USA Ultimate is currently engaged in a significant restructuring of its Club division. Several improvements and modifications to the existing structure are being made in order to enhance the opportunities to play organized and competitive Ultimate throughout the United States and showcase the sport at the highest level.  
The ongoing process has included a significant amount of input from key groups of the community, including the USA Ultimate Board of Directors, the Championship Committee, and a specifically-created Club Restructuring Task Force. Over the course of the last year, these groups have convened on several occasions to review feedback from surveys sent to the Ultimate community, analyze data and refine ideas. As a result of compiling this series of surveys, USA Ultimate has developed a preliminary plan and will be implementing some exciting new initiatives during the latter part of 2011 and throughout 2012.
Although many of the specific details are currently being finalized, the plan is designed to incorporate a list of priorities identified in USA Ultimate’s strategic plan. Among these is the creation of multiple tiered divisional playing opportunities, a regular season model for its top Club teams, and improvement of the geographical structure and qualification process. The restructuring plan also calls for building a league championship structure, a fall development series for college teams and athletes, and showcasing the sport of Ultimate with a major international event – the previously announced U.S. Open.
Last May, the 25-member Club Restructuring Task Force gathered in Denver to initiate the process and formulate a preliminary plan to present to the Board of Directors and Competition Committee. Since then, USA Ultimate has conducted two more planning meetings and the Competition Committee continues to work diligently behind the scenes, while the Board of Directors has met on multiple occasions to review the input.
"We’ve been making significant progress with our Club division restructuring plan over the course of the last year," said USA Ultimate Board of Directors President Mike Payne. "But because of the delicate and specific balance necessary to address the needs of both our elite and recreational athletes, as well as national, continental and international playing environments, our top priority has been to first identify the full, long-term blueprint before implementing anything. We’re looking forward to refining all of the great ideas and feedback we’ve received and putting them into an executable plan."
The basis for USA Ultimate’s restructuring of its Club division is rooted in the organization’s desire to continue to improve its programs and offerings to its various constituents. Within the confines of its Club division, there exist several distinct subsets of athletes and teams. These include the sport’s most elite players, Masters and Grand Masters athletes, college athletes and participants who primarily play locally in their various hometown leagues. The various strategies are designed to address the needs and desires of each of these groups with the philosophy of "providing something for everyone".
Announcements will continue to be made regarding USA Ultimate’s Club division restructuring plan as details become available. Stay tuned to throughout 2011 for the latest news!

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