USA Ultimate in Search of a National Women’s Director

Posted: October 28, 2015 02:11 PM

Colorado Springs, Colo. (Oct. 28, 2015) – USA Ultimate, the national governing body for the sport of ultimate in the United States, is in search of a National Women’s Director who will help organize and guide the club women’s division.

The volunteer national women’s director is responsible for overseeing the club women’s division of the USA Ultimate regular season (Triple Crown Tour) and championship series and is responsible for competition issues related to the women’s Division, under the guidance of USA Ultimate’s manager of competition and athlete programs for the club division.

After more than three highly successful years as the National Mixed Director, Dave Klink has elected to step down, and current National Women’s Director Remy Schor will assume his role by the end of the year. Schor served as the national women’s director for four years. In recent years, Schor has played elite mixed ultimate with San Francisco Blackbird and San Francisco Mischief, won the mixed division at the inaugural beach championships with Point Break, and helped the U.S. National Team win gold in the mixed masters division at the 2015 World Championships of Beach Ultimate in Dubai. Her experience as a competitor at the highest levels in the mixed division and her extensive knowledge of the duties of a national director will make for a seamless transition into her new role.

USA Ultimate would like to thank Dave Kink for his years of service as the national mixed director and his great work and conscientious stewardship of the mixed division. 

If you are interested in applying for the National Women’s Director position, visit USA Ultimate’s Get Involved page to review the job description. Information on how to apply is included in the job description. Applications are due Friday, November 6.


Thoughts from outgoing National Women’s Director Remy Schor:

What motivated me to get involved with USA Ultimate at this level was an urgency to help. I was interested in being a bigger part of the organization – not just as a player, but as a broader contributor. I was motivated towards a greater understanding of the work that goes into running such a complex and nuanced organization, and I really wanted to help the people around me understand as well. 

I joined USA Ultimate as the National Women's Director in 2012, and have been in this seat for a full four seasons; I participated as we implemented the Triple Crown Tour that first year, I gradually got to know the people most involved in growing women's ultimate at the club level, and I eventually was able to put in place a series of personal systems that result in, each year, confirming volunteers for the sectional and regional coordinator seats and verifying that teams intend to return the following season by committing to their required tournaments. When boiled down, these are the main responsibilities of this role. Add to this what I believe is the biggest privilege, getting to participate in the Competition Committee meeting each year (held in Denver in December), and while there, getting the opportunity to weigh in on action items large and small.

Here's my quick pitch to YOU – if you're thinking about applying but are unsure, given the fact that I'm not going very far (as I move over to try to do justice to the incredible job that Dave Klink has done as the National Mixed Director), I'll be there to help you along the way. As such, you'll have ample support as you learn the ins and outs of this position.

We're committed to finding the best fit for this seat, as quickly as possible. Ideally, this person will attend our upcoming Competition Committee meeting, but don't let a conflict in December deter you from applying if you're otherwise available and interested in getting involved at this level.

Any questions? Thoughts? Ideas? Feel free to email me at

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