USA Ultimate College STAR Program Application

Posted: July 26, 2011 04:30 PM

This coming fall, USA Ultimate will be launching a number of pilot events as part of our new College Season Training And Recruitment (STAR) Program, which will be focused on college player and team development during the fall season. Our goals are to increase the number of quality playing opportunities, as well as to promote the growth and development of both the college division, as well as our sport as a whole. A segment of these pilot events will involve developmental events being held in conjunction with Club Sectionals, while others will be held in partnership with non-Series fall tournaments.  We encourage club teams and local organizers to put their heads together and submit an application to host a pilot event!

Here are a few ideas for possible College STAR Program events:
- Skills clinic (after games)
- Full day skills clinic (done during Sectionals games)
- Full day skills clinic (done before or after a one-day Sectionals)
- College all-star game with club players as coaches
- Guest coaching in parallel college division (done during Sectionals games)
- Classroom leadership / program building session

There are a number of reasons to host a fall pilot event, but here are a few big ones:
- Be on the cutting edge of the college division's development
- Give back to the ultimate community
- Network with other local leaders and organizers
- Recruit players for your club team's future
- Help develop a base of ideas and knowledge for future iterations of STAR clinics across the country

The Sectionals events will be chosen based on an application process and the past organizational record of that Sectionals. We will also be selecting events so to get a good cross-section of event types (e.g. PM skills clinic v. all-day clinic), as well as geographic diversity (e.g. actual location, event size, and density of teams).

We encourage applications that:
- Target college players in both gender divisions
- Are collaborative efforts between multiple teams and/or local organizations

The deadline for this application is 5:00 PM CST on Friday, August 12.

Here is a link to the application:

Please direct questions to:

Michelle Ng
Manager- Competition and Athlete Programs