UPA Membership Tops 30,000 Mark For First Time In 2009

Posted: January 13, 2010 05:00 PM

BOULDER, Colo. – The Ultimate Players Association, the National Governing Body for the sport of Ultimate in the United States, today announced that its official membership total last year exceeded 30,000 for the first time in its history. The final 2009 UPA registration number reached 31,588 individual members, representing an eight percent increase over the 2008 season (29,311). The UPA membership total has grown more than 81% in just six years, rising from 17,419 in 2003.

The UPA’s youth category (under 19 years old) experienced the highest percentage of growth among all membership areas in 2009, increasing 17 percent from 6,218 to 7,274. None of the organization’s membership categories experienced a decrease last year. In addition, one-time participants in UPA-sanctioned events stayed level at 22,207. For more detailed UPA membership information, visit www.UPA.org.

“Our organizational growth during an adverse economic climate is a credit to the added member benefits and educational opportunities that the UPA continues to offer. It is also a strong indicator of the sport’s increasing popularity and a greater degree of organization at the grassroots level, thanks to our dedicated volunteer base,” said Tom Crawford (Boulder, Colo.), UPA Chief Executive Officer. “We are particularly excited to see that the largest percentage of growth occurred in our youth program, signaling a bright future ahead for Ultimate.”

UPA Membership Category Members Percentage Increase

UPA Membership Category Members Percentage Increase
College Members 15,237 3%
Regular (Adult) Members 7,707 0%
Youth Members 7,274 17%
Coach Members 733 n/a*
Lifetime Members 397 6%
Volunteers and Staff 182 2%
Friends & Family Members 58 n/a*
2009 UPA MEMBERSHIP TOTAL   31,588  8%

* First year membership category was offered

UPA Sanctioned-Event Participants 22,207 0%


The Ultimate Players Association (UPA) serves as the National Governing Body for the sport of
Ultimate in the United States. The UPA is a non-profit organization headquartered in Boulder,
Colo., and focuses foremost on the needs of its athletes while improving access to the sport and
enhancing members’ overall experience. Founded in 1979, the UPA is one of the first flying disc
sport organizations in the world and is also the largest, with more than 31,000 members and a
national volunteer network. This year the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA)