Seeking Applicants for 2016 Board of Directors Positions

Posted: October 16, 2015 09:18 AM
Colorado Springs, Colo. (October 16, 2015)--USA Ultimate is currently seeking individuals interested in running for the two available elected seats on the 2016 USA Ultimate Board of Directors.
In recent years, ultimate has been experiencing rapid growth and achieving incredible milestones. As our organization and sport continue to grow, we need board members with the right perspectives and expertise to help us make important and strategic decisions.
This fall there is one At-Large seat and one Elite Athlete seat up for election. (Click here to learn about the two different positions.)
The nominating committee is now accepting Expressions of Interest for eligible members interested in running for these two seats. 
The election will be held November 9-18.
Interested members should send a brief letter of intent with the following information to before 5:00pm, MDT Friday, Oct. 23:
  • Full name
  • USA Ultimate member number
  • Contact info, including address, phone and email
  • Occupation or relevant experience
  • Statement explaining why you want to run for a seat on the USA Ultimate Board of Directors
  • Which position you are expressing an interest in

The nominating committee will send any interested members a document outlining the requirements for serving on the USA Ultimate Board of Directors so the commitments and responsibilities may be evaluated. Once members have agreed to meet these requirements, the nominating committee will evaluate the applicants and develop a final slate of candidates based on expertise, qualifications, potential conflicts of interest and other potential disqualifying positions. 

Candidates invited to be a part of the final slate will then be required to draft and submit a formal candidate statement and submit to an interview prior to November 6.
Questions? Contact the nominating committee at  

Have any questions or comments? We welcome community feedback and discussion made in a respectful manner. Please refrain from profanity or personal attacks, as such public comments negatively reflect on our sport and community.