Rostering 101 (2012 College)

Posted: February 10, 2012 02:14 PM

Rostering 101 (2012 College)

There is only one way to register your team for the USA ULTIMATE College Series, through the online rostering system.

You will need to follow these basic steps. 

  • Fill out a roster with your team and player information using the online system.
  • Turn a paper copy of your roster generated by the online system into your school Registrar’s office along with the USA ULTIMATE Registrar Instructions.
  • Send all pages of your Registrar-verified roster and Registrar-verified Registrar Instructions to the USA ULTIMATE so that it arrives by the team registration deadline (5pm MT March 9th).  Overnight or two-day if necessary.
  • Along with your roster, please send in any waivers and dues owed by your players for 2012 prior to participation in Conference Championships.
  • Be sure to notify your conference coordinator at least 2 weeks before your tournament to confirm you intend to bring a team.
  • If you have a USA ULTIMATE-approved consortium, please follow these instructions in addition to the detailed instructions below to submit your team's roster.  Note, the consortium application deadline is Dec 31, 2011.

Please refer to the separate checklists below for detailed instructions for each system.

Online Rostering

The online rostering system will allow you to create your team’s roster online by selecting players from the USA ULTIMATE database (using name and USA ULTIMATE ID) and submit it electronically to the USA ULTIMATE.  The system will allow you to immediately see which team members are current USA ULTIMATE members and which have waivers on file, and will alert you to potential conflicts, like players being on multiple rosters and some eligibility issues.  USA ULTIMATE staff and team captains will be able to easily access rosters for administrative purposes prior to and during the Series. 

In order to participate, your Registrar-verified paper roster and Registrar Instructions must both be received at the USA ULTIMATE by 5pm MT March 9th, theteam registration deadline. 

To use the online rostering system, click here to get started.  Detailed "how to" instructions are included in the system. A checklist of major steps is outlined below.

  • Collect information from your players including (first/last name, USA ULTIMATE ID, email)

    • Players can find out their USA ULTIMATE ID by going to www.USA
    • If a player is a brand new USA ULTIMATE member and doesn’t have an ID, s/he should go to and follow the instructions for creating a new account.  The new ID number will be emailed to the player and s/he can give that to the team organizer.
  • Collect team information including (school name, team name, USA ULTIMATE conference/region, team contact name and email, school Registrar phone and fax #)

    • Find a computer that is connected to a printer, the Internet, and has Adobe Acrobat.
    • Log in to your USA ULTIMATE account to access the Online Rostering system.
              o    To log in, follow the instructions at
              o    Click "Online Rostering".
              o    Select "Register a Team".
              o    Choose the appropriate division, gender, and region from the dropdowns and select your regional registration event.
    • Follow online rostering instructions for creating a roster and entering players onto your roster.
              o    Include the name of your school, team name, team contact name and information, and school Registrar information.
              o    Include the names and addresses of ALL the people that will be playing with you for conference championships or regionals. If they aren't on your roster they can't play with you. So if you are unsure as to whether someone will be showing up for conference championships or regionals, you should put them on. You should also include all players who have played with your team during the College Regular Season regardless of their playing status for Conference Championships or Regionals.
    • "Submit" your roster via the online rostering system Print your roster and the Registrar Instructions and turn them into your school Registrar. 
              o    Be sure to give the school enough time to verify the students according to the USA ULTIMATE’s guidelines (this can sometimes take as long as two or three weeks) and get the roster back to you so you can send it in on time).
    • Use the online rostering system to determine which players owe dues and waivers for 2012.
    • Make sure you collect all the money you need for dues.