Mixed Day 1 Recap - 2011 Club Championships

Posted: October 28, 2011 04:48 AM


2011 Club Championship Day 1 Recaps:




Today started off crazy right away, with likely upsetter Bucket coming up with a huge game against Chad Larson Experience. They took half against the Iowa team 8-3, and there was a sense they were relaxed, laughing, working in throws but not discussing any strategy. On the other hand, CLX was in a tight huddle with dominant player Bob Liu talking about fight, and rehashing the strategy they had discussed. CLX rattles off a few more at half, the game ties at 12, and the soft cap horn blows when the game ties again at 13. Bucket scores, but Chad quickly answers to make it universe point. With a big huck from Bob Liu to a wide open teammate, Chad Larson wins the game. In fact, this was the story for CLX all day. There was no game in which they were not down during the second half, and they won their next two games 15-13, an unexpectedly close result against Termite’s Entourage. After the first game, they had to sit players due to cramping and dehydration.

Club11 D1R1 Canniff (3)
[PHOTO CREDIT: Brian Canniff, facebook.com/ultiphotos (full coverage)]

This seemed like a theme that pervaded through Thursday. Teams not used to humidity and heat found themselves calling injuries without being touched, solely due to cramping. During the last game of Thursday, Wolverines and Blackbird were trading points when James Scott, a big thrower for Wolverines, falls to the ground almost begging for help to stretch out his cramp. He came out of that point, and Blackbird goes on to score. The heat seemed to wear on teams’ focus as well. After beating 7 Figures 15-9, Polar Bears were feeling great going into their game against The Ghosts, knowing that 7 Figures had beaten them that morning 15-12. Though they had this confidence boost, the Polar Bears went down quickly to Ghosts, trading points until about 4 then making unforced errors. A previously injured Adam Raty, a playmaker for the Bears, even cleated up to come into the game, but it was too little too late. The Ghosts had come off a huge win and had a lot of rest after beating Sabre Corp 15-3. In fact, they spent some of that rest time on the sidelines of the Polar Bears v 7 Figures game, discussing strategies. The Polar Bears then lost to The Ghosts 15-9, leading to a pool full of teams with 2-1 records. Because of point differentials, The Ghosts and Polar Bears will be advancing out of Pool A. 

Club11 DIR1 Wu (7)
[PHOTO CREDIT: Brandon Wu, facebook.com/ultiphotos (full coverage)]

In fact, the only upset that affects who goes into the power pools was AMP beating Drag’n Thrust in the second round. It is also important to note that Blackbird beat Wolverines on universe point in the last round of the day, 17-16. This means they will serve as F1 in the power pool, though Wolverines also advances.

The power pools tomorrow will be Ghosts, D5, AMP, PBR in one pool, and Blackbird, CLX, Slow White, and Wolverines.

Club11 D1R3 Wu (7)
[PHOTO CREDIT: Brandon Wu, facebook.com/ultiphotos (full coverage)]


  • Dehydration will be a big problem throughout the whole weekend if teams don’t make sure they are hydrated – expect more injuries without contact as long as it stays this warm and humid.
  • The start of the day looked like it would be a difference between teams who have history as Mixed teams and teams that came together of Open and Women’s players. At the start of the day, it looked as if the Mixed teams will prevail, for example, with CLX over Bucket and 7 Figures over the Ghosts. But when Ghosts beat Polar Bears 15-9, it seemed as if this didn’t necessarily hold. We’ll see how teams like Wolverines and Blackbirds do tomorrow. 
  • Games have been very close all day. It is rare that one team goes up and maintains that early lead. The attitude a team shows during half often reflected the outcome of the game more than the score at half. 
  • Teams that have practice playing with observers gain a marginal advantage. So few Mixed teams do get the chance to do so during the season, that knowing how to keep timeouts effective and get to the disc within the appropriate time can keep a team from playing frantically. There were a few times when marks began stalling before their player was at the line and teams were penalized timeouts after taking too long to pull. 
  • Teams from places with less ideal conditions at this time seemed to have done better with wind, but not as well with the heat. The teams that threw just as well in the wind seemed to have bigger problems with dehydration and cramping.
  • Unlike in other divisions, the Mixed division usually doesn’t have a team that is obviously dominant. Though this tournament seemed to coincide with that theory, there seems to be a dropoff after the top 8, as only one of them got upset to the point where they were knocked out of the Power Pools.
  • Chad Larson Experience started off the day with an amazing comeback. They were down 8-3 at half, had a focused pep talk where they re-evaluated strategy and attitude, and came back against a less focused Bucket to win 15-14.
  • Another great comeback came from D5 against Drag’n Thrust. This matchup was interesting because Drag’n Thrust had beat them earlier in the year and were looking forward to repeat that score. Drag’n Thrust was leading 14-11, threw some uncontested turnovers which D5 capitalized on. This was a game you could feel the momentum switch, and as each team gained energy they were the ones on top. At the end of the day, D5 carried their energy through the end to come back 5 points and win 16-14. 
  • Teams that had their women take over points did well. Often times if guys moved to the deep space the ladies had more space to work it up with shorter throws and eventually score.
  • Player of the Day: Of all the players I have seen today, I would have to choose Bob Liu. A big leader for Chad Larson Experience, he stepped up in the game against Bucket, playing every D point, throwing perfect inside breaks, and laying out repeatedly. He gave a great pump-up speech to his team about fighting hard when they were down at halftime in the first game of their Nationals experience. Not only is he one of the biggest assets to CLX skills-wise, but he also shows great spirit and respect for his opponents. I recommend that anyone in Sarasota take the time to watch him play. 

Club11 DIR1 Wu (14)
[PHOTO CREDIT: Brandon Wu, facebook.com/ultiphotos (full coverage)]