Location set for 2012 HS Westerns (Orem, UT)

Posted: February 28, 2012 06:18 PM
Boulder, Colo. — USA Ultimate, the National Governing Body for the Sport of Ultimate in the United States, announced today the date and location for the 2012 HS Western Regional Championships.  
After seven years of Easterns/Westerns, 2012 marks the first year of expansion into four separate HS Regional championships: Centrals, Northeasterns, Southerns, and Westerns.  

HS Westerns
June 2-3
Orem, UT
This event will be hosted by the Utah Ultimate Disc Association.  Said event TD Ryan Segal, "the growth of youth Ultimate in Utah has been very exciting for our community.  The Utah Ultimate Disc Association (UUDA) is proud to work with USA Ultimate to bring the 2012 Western HS Championship to Utah.  The field site is top notch and Utah is a wonderful place to visit any time of year.  We can't wait to share our state with you and we look forward to having high level youth ultimate in Utah at this tournament."

The Utah Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau's Lee Adamson added, "Ultimate is a growing favorite in our area and the Utah Valley community is excited to welcome the West’s top high school teams to compete in our beautiful mountain valley!"
Announcements regarding the remaining HS Regional Championships will follow in the upcoming weeks. Additional details regarding these events, including registration information, schedules, and event sponsors will be announced in the coming months.