Eckhoff, McIntyre, Payne win seats on USAU Board of Directors

Posted: November 12, 2010 10:08 AM


Boulder, Colo. (November 12, 2010)—The winners of the 2011 USA Ultimate Board of Directors elections were revealed today by the National Governing Body. After a 30-day voting process, three new Board members were elected by USA Ultimate members, including one At-Large seat and a pair of regional seats in the Northwest and Northeast.
In the Northeast region, At-Large incumbent Mandy Eckhoff (Quincy, Mass) retained her seat on the Board, beating Jeremy McNamara (Albany, N.Y.) by a margin of 243-195. Eckhoff will replace current Board president Peri Kurshan as the Northeast Region representative.
From the Northwest region, Mike Payne (Oakland, Calif.) was voted back on to the Board with 214 votes, eclipsing the totals of challengers Frank Flores (Emeryville, Calif.) and Ann Huang (Seattle, Wash.) who garnered 33 and 12 votes respectively. Payne, who previously served two terms on the USA Ultimate Board of Directors, was the Board’s President from 2006-2008. Payne replaces William Bartram, who did not seek re-election.
The At-Large position went to Colin McIntyre (Ann Arbor, Mich.) who won his seat with a total of 409 votes. Incumbent Josh Seamon (St. Johnsbury, Vt.) finished second in the polls with 320 votes, followed by Sam Dinning (Washington, D.C.) and Stephen Hubbard (San Diego, Calif.) with 243 and 192 votes respectively.
Throughout the election process, there were also several write-in candidates who collected one or two votes each.
“I would like to extend my congratulations to the newly elected directors and welcome them to the Board,” said USA Ultimate Board of Directors President Peri Kurshan. “It’s an exciting time to be a part of the decision-making process and contribute to the continued growth of our sport. As illustrated by their experience and support from the Ultimate community, it’s evident that the Board will continue to be comprised of knowledgeable and passionate individuals who will diligently volunteer their time to advance USA Ultimate’s mission. I would like to thank fellow outgoing directors William Bartram and Josh Seamon, whose service to the USA Ultimate membership was extremely valuable, as well as all of the candidates that ran for election and the members who voted in the election process.”
Kurshan’s term as Director and President officially ends when the Board convenes for its next biannual meeting in mid-January.
Dr. Tom Crawford, CEO commented: “First I’d like to sincerely thank Peri for being an outstanding President and a tremendous help to me while transitioning into this role. She spends an amazing amount of time and energy in this role and will leave her mark as a board member and President for a long time. I would also like to thank Josh and Bunny for all their help and wisdom. While all three are moving on, I’m hopeful and confident they will stay very involved in other roles in our organization and continue to help us in many ways. The team here and I are also really excited to welcome Mandy and Mike back to the Board, as well as congratulate and welcome Colin to the Board. We know all three of these Ultimate professionals really well, and with this election behind us, are very excited about the strength of our Board as we head into a really exciting year for our sport.”
USA Ultimate 2011 Board of Directors Election Results
Colin McIntyre (Ann Arbor, Mich.) 409
Josh Seamon (St. Johnsbury, Vt.) 320
Sam Dinning (Washington D.C.) 243
Stephen Hubbard (San Diego, Calif.) 192
Mandy Eckhoff (Quincy Mass.) 243
Jeremy McNamara (Albany, N.Y.) 195
Mike Payne (Oakland, Calif.) 214
Frank Flores (Emeryville, Calif.) 33
Ann Huang (Seattle, Wash.) 12