Club Rankings (Men) End of 2013 Regular Season

Posted: September 3, 2013 04:56 PM

2013 Club Season Rankings
Men's Division - End of 2013 Regular Season

The Club Season Rankings will be run weekly starting in early August on Wednesdays through the end of the season, using data from games between registered club teams at USA Ultimate sanctioned events from June 1st through September 2nd, 2013.  The algorithm in use is the Modified Top25 Algorithm adapted from the original Top25 written by USA Ultimate Hall of Famer Sholom Simon.  More information on the bid allocation process is available in the club season guidelines



Men's Division | Mixed Division | Women's Division


Status: Final*


  • the below rankings use a 10-game threshold for inclusion.  Games between regular season registered teams at sanctioned events count towards this cutoff, and are indicated in blue on the team pages of the score reporter.   Teams with fewer than 10 games listed in their W-L record are included either because they have games against teams with roster issues (which counts towards the threshold), or have been given special exemption from the threshold after reviewing their situation on a case by case basis. The rankings will be run again after Club Nationals.

* In an effort to ensure that the end of season rankings are correct, we initially released the rankings in a preliminary manner to give teams the chance to verify their results.  Teams had until 8am MT Wednesday September 4th to report any issues/corrections in the below rankings.