2019-21 Strategic Planning Stakeholder Opinion Survey Data Released

Posted: December 8, 2016 01:16 PM

Colorado Springs, Colo. (Dec. 8, 2016) – The initial step of the 2019-21 strategic planning process is now complete, and we would like to sincerely thank the many stakeholders who completed the first opinion survey, including current and former USA Ultimate members. We received a total of 4,191 responses.

We have begun analyzing the data from this census and are excited to share the results with you. 

As a reminder, the purpose of this first survey was simply to "take the temperature" of USA Ultimate members and other stakeholders to better understand how we’re doing. The results of the census yielded an overall commitment index of 7 out of 10.  

Our general interpretation of that data is that we are doing fairly well. It is a high enough number to illustrate our members’ appreciation for the job we are doing, but it also means there is clearly room for improvement, and we are committed to improving…with your help.

For more detail on the results of the survey, click the corresponding links below:

While we continue to analyze the data, please look out for the next step, which will be a quick follow-up survey designed to better understand the priorities of our various stakeholders, and prepare for the previously announced town hall meetings occurring early next year. 

Once again, a big thanks to the thousands of people who participated in this initial step, and we encourage you to continue to engage as we move forward in the strategic planning process. We are counting on your help!

Have any questions or comments? We welcome community feedback and discussion made in a respectful manner. Please refrain from profanity or personal attacks, as such public comments negatively reflect on our sport and community.