2016 D-I College Championships: Day One Recap - Women's Division

Posted: May 27, 2016 11:23 PM


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Day one of competition at the Division I College Championship in Raleigh, N.C., is in the books!

Every team still has a chance to reach the championship bracket this weekend in Raleigh.

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Pool A

2015CollegeLogos   2015CollegeLogos   2012CollegeLogo California W   2015CollegeLogos   2014CollegeLogos ColoradoCollege W
  Colorado College


As predicted, Oregon came out of day one with an unblemished 2-0 record. While Colorado had the potential to give them some opposition in pool A, Oregon was quick to score and break right away, setting themselves up for a clean, easy game. Kali fought back, but there was only so much they could do to stop the flow of Oregon’s offense as they practically walked the disc up the field by looking to space and capitalizing on give-and-goes. Oregon took complete control of the game after half, finishing with a score of 15-11. The Oregon-Colorado College game was a similar story, with Oregon coming out on top 15-8. Virginia surprised Pool A, coming out on top of two difficult match ups. The California-Virginia game was close to begin with, but Hydra created opportunities for themselves to pull ahead of California after half, finishing 14-12. Virginia gave Colorado a tight game from the beginning, making for long, hard-fought points on both sides. Virginia finally pulled ahead, completing the game at 14-8, thus putting themselves second in the pool. 


Pool B

2016CollegeLogos BritishColumbia W   2016CollegeLogos UCLA W   2015CollegeLogos   2014CollegeLogos WesternWashington W    2015CollegeLogos
British Columbia


Pool B has completely flip-flopped, with the bottom seed, Dartmouth, coming out on top, and the top seed, British Columbia, ending up on the bottom. UBC and Dartmouth matched up in the first game of the day. Dartmouth came out strong right away, using their top players to gain an 8-3 lead at half. UBC was forced to up their game and used their defense to regain their footing and mount a comeback. Working through the Dartmouth zone on offense, UBC eventually tied the game at 13 all. Dartmouth was patient on offense in the last point, steadily working the disc up the field before putting it away for the final score, 14-13. Dartmouth gave us another impressive game against Pittsburgh, this time finishing 15-3. As seems to be the trend in Pool B, Chaos surprised us with another upset against UCLA this morning. After trading points to begin the game, Chaos stole the momentum to take half 8-5. UCLA took their time working themselves back into the game, only for a Callahan by Chaos to change the tide yet again. Chaos continued to work their cutter-driven offense to win the game 15-11.

Pool C

2015CollegeLogos   2016CollegeLogos Washington W   2014CollegeLogos Michigan W   2016CollegeLogos OhioState W    2016CollegeLogos SouthernCalifornia W
  Ohio State
  Southern California


Pool C was slightly more predictable. Stanford kept their place as the top team in the pool, even after a particularly tough game against Washington. Washington led the game after an early break which was soon reciprocated by Superfly. Thus began a back-and-forth game, with intense defense from both teams, as well as high-pressure offense. Each team knew that in this match up, one break could cost them the game. Washington’s offense was smoother and more efficient for the first three quarters of the game, however, Stanford finally took the hint and cleaned up their own offense to get a break near soft cap. Superfly closed out the game 14-10. Although Michigan also has a record of 2-0, their true standing cannot be determined until after they play the pool’s top two teams tomorrow. Ohio State had a rough start to the tournament, going down in the first half of the day to Washington 8-2. They managed to put some more points on the board in the second half, but it wasn’t enough to stop the momentum of Washington, who took the game 15-7. While Fever gave Michigan a closer game, Flywheel took advantage of what Ohio State gave them and finished 14-10. While Southern California put up a fight, they were shutout of both games from the beginning, with Michigan winning 15-9 and Stanford winning 15-4. 

Pool D

 2016CollegeLogos CentralFlorida W   2015CollegeLogos   2015CollegeLogos   College13 Wisconsin BellaDonna W 500x500   Ottawa (W)
Central Florida


While Pool D did not have as many upsets today as some other pools, they sure provided some entertaining games. Whitman rightfully ended up on top of the pool, with a strong game against Wisconsin and then a hard-fought win on double-game point against Central Florida. Whitman started off fairly slow against Wisconsin, trading points and turns until they upped their defense and started creating breaks. Wisconsin made Whitman to work, forcing some errors, but Whitman pulled ahead to win 15-10. Central Florida brought a small squad to Nationals, which we began to see the effects of in their game against Whitman. Central Florida began by making Whitman pay for every turn with fast breaks and by creating opportunities to score. Having a small number of players gave them incredible chemistry, which they coupled with their athleticism to take half 8-4. However, long, hard points tired Central Florida and allowed Whitman to creep back to tie the game at 10 all. After a long, hard-fought point, Whitman eventually tired out Central Florida enough to win the game 11-10. Texas Melee breezed through their game against Ottawa, but had a harder time against Wisconsin, winning 15-14. While Texas is a very dynamic team as a whole, they struggled with defense in both day one games. 

Day Two Preview

One way or another, seven teams have come out of the first day undefeated. Tomorrow will certainly change this statistic, with the conclusion of pool play. While each of these teams has an opportunity to advance to the championship bracket, the others are not to be counted out just yet. If today has told us anything, seeding is not everything, and upsets are to be expected. The last two rounds of pool play will determine who advances and who does not tomorrow as the 2016 D-I Women’s College Championship continues.  

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