D.C. Swing Vote wins their first YCC U-19 Mixed title

Posted: August 10, 2015 10:41 PM

U-19 Mixed – Day Three Recap (full results)
By: Chris Dascalos

Day three of the 2015 Youth Club Championships was nothing but eventful. As always, when fighting for a national championship, intensity levels are high, and teams put everything on the line. This year was no exception. 

Starting off in the day’s first round, the Bay Area Happy Cows pulled out a victory over the Minnesota Superior squad in the semifinals. After trading points for the entire first half, Minnesota started to make small errors that nevertheless resulted in turns and helped give the game to the Happy Cows. This was one of the best overall games of the tournament, thanks to the extremely high level of competitive play mixed with exceptional spirit on both teams. If you were watching the game, you were amped even if you didn’t know either team. Washington, D.C. Swing Vote played Seattle Royale on the other side of the bracket in a nail-biting game that traded points all the way to hard cap. Both teams played impressive long and short offenses, despite the Minnesota wind picking up throughout the game.

In the fifth-place bracket, Philadelphia Forge rolled through Oregon Flood without thinking twice to secure their spot in the fifth-place final. In the bracket’s other semi, Boston BUDA played down and had to work hard in order to beat South Dakota SoDak 13-9 to secure their place in the final.

After first-round play, the Minnesota atmosphere started to change a bit and showed promising signs of storms on the horizon, but most games in the mixed division managed to finish before the clouds really rolled in. In the fifth-place final. Forge played BUDA with as much energy as both teams had left after an exhausting three days of game play. Forge gave up more points than they should have and failed to utilize BUDA’s large number of turnovers. 

Finishing off the day’s second round of play, Flood played SoDak and came out on top after a well-battled game by both teams. Right at the end, Sodak started to get some momentum back, but it was too late as hard cap went off when they were moving down the field. They had an unfortunate turnover and Oregon broke to finish the game.

In the third-place match up, Royale went up two breaks on Superior just before half and held those till the end of the game. Royale added a third break in the second half to claim third place with a 13-10 win.

As the mixed final between Swing Vote and the Happy Cows was starting, the ominous-looking front really started to roll, beginning with light rain here and there. This was an intense game from the beginning, and that intensity carried through all the way to the final point. Both teams played incredible offense and defense up until halftime, when the Minnesota weather decided to take a turn for the worse, and the game was delayed due to lightning.

After a two-hour delay, both teams warmed back up and game play resumed. After half, both teams traded points. With the intensity of a team just beginning their tournament, the Bay Area went up 12-11 with just minutes left before cap. Some very minor mistakes allowed them to get broken twice, forcing double-game point at 12-12. After an accidental turn from the Happy Cows, Swing Vote picked up the disc and moved quickly, throwing a hammer cross field to get within five yards of the end zone. After a foul that was the result of a lofty backhand, the disc went back to Swing Vote. With a simple cut to the breakside in the end zone, Swing Vote punched in their 13th goal to claim the championship.


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