Revolver Wins Their Third Consecutive U.S. Open Title

Posted: July 5, 2015 09:30 PM


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The fourth-annual U.S. Open Championships are in the books. Three new champions, winners of the first leg of the 2015 Triple Crown, were decided today in West Chester, Ohio.

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Championship Final

  Revolver Wins 15-13  


We've seen this before - GOAT brings a small squad to a top tournament and over-performs. But defending world champions San Francisco Revolver had more depth and size than Toronto could handle in Sunday's U.S. Open championship final.

GOAT repeated the hot start from their semifinal win over defending national champions Johnny Bravo by breaking Revolver on the first point of the game. Revolver broke back at 4-4 (to go up 5-4) after an Andy Ouchterlony hammer forced Isaiah Masek-Kelly to step out of bounds on an otherwise goal-scoring catch. Turn volume increased late in the first half, and GOAT capitalized on a Revolver drop to regain a one-break lead. Still, GOAT's offense couldn't hold on the final point of the half despite planning during a timeout with the disc at midfield, and Revolver maintained an 8-7 lead at halftime.

While Revolver's deep game connected in the second half, their varying defensive looks forced GOAT to complete more passes per offensive possession (with few exceptions) and tested GOAT's patience. Leading 11-10, Revolver's Russell Wynne flew through the air to catch block a GOAT huck, and his team's defense stepped on the gas pedal from there.

With their 15-11 victory, Revolver captured their third consecutive U.S. Open title. The San Francisco team has now won every U.S. Open in which they have competed.

Final Standings

1 - Revolver
2 - GOAT
3T -Johnny Bravo
3T - Truck Stop
5 - Ironside
6 - PoNY
7 - Ring of Fire
8 - Great Britain
9 - Temper
10 - Furious George
11 - Inside Rakete
12 - Team Colombia

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