2015 Masters Spirit of the Game Report

Posted: August 11, 2015 01:25 PM

Colorado Springs, Colo. (August 11, 2015) – Following each game at the USA Ultimate Masters Championships, teams were asked to rate their opponents on a scale of one to five. The scores are averaged, and the team with the highest overall score is awarded the Team Spirit Award. 

2015 Masters Championships Team Spirit Award Winners:

  • Get Off My Lawn – Masters Men’s
  • ZFG - Masters Women's
  • Rust Belt - Grandmasters

2015 Marty Bakko Spirit AwardChris McManus (Beyondors)

Masters Men's Spirit Scores and Individual SOTG nominees:

5.00 - Get Off My Lawn
4.80 - Beyondors
4.70 - Bam!
4.67 - Woolly Mammoth
4.60 - Burnside
4.60 - Crawl
4.60 - Surly
4.40 - Voltron 2020
4.30 - Tejas
4.20 - Johnny Encore
4.10 - Horse
4.00 - Pacemaker
3.83 - Black Cans & Highlands
3.60 - Boneyard
3.40 - OhiOLD
3.20 - Flood
BAM! - Pradeep Nair
Beyondors - Chris McManus
Black Cans & Highlands - Kevin Lenaburg
Boneyard - Tim Lupo
Burnside - Kyle Christoph
Crawl - Pete Buckley
Flood - David Campbell 
Get Off My Lawn - Dominique Roy
Horse - Scott Arnold 
Johnny Encore - James Beeby 
OhiOld - Rodger Oakes 
Pacemaker - Dan Benjamin
Surly - Paco Enright
Tejas - Joe Iannacone
Voltron 2020 - Britt Attack
Woolly Mammoth - Travis Tooke

Masters Women's Spirit Scores and Individual SOTG nominees:

4.20 - ZFG
4.17 - Hot Flash
4.17 - Hot Lava
4.00 - HayROLD
4.00 - Salty
3.83 - COUGARS
3.80 - Baylands Kite Flying Team
3.60 - Loose Cannon
3.60 - Ripe
3.50 - RIO
3.33 - Boston
3.33 - Retro
3.20 - Jezebel
3.20 - Mint
3.20 - Restless
2.90 - Lame Duck
Baylands Kite Flying Team - Dea Dauphinee
Boston - Rosie Ano
COUGARS - Meghan Cain
HayROLD - Betsy Andrews
Hot Flash - Betsy Basch
Hot Lava - Stephanie Decker
Jezebel - Leah Borsheim 
Lame Duck - Jenny Wellman
Loose Cannon - Kristina Jozsef
Mint - Elin Kuffner
Restless - Ashlie Dummeldinger
Retro - Beth Varica
RIO - Jana Krutsinger
Ripe - Sharon Tucker
Salty - Kelly Mack
ZFG - Kara Giaier

Grandmasters Spirit Scores and Individual SOTG nominees:

5.00 - Rust Belt
4.83 - Surly
4.80 - Ozark Hillbillys
4.50 - Old Man Winter
4.40 - O.G.
4.20 - Charred Guys
4.20 - Shadows
4.00 - Alchemy
4.00 - No Country
3.83 - Georgetown Brewing
3.80 - Moscow State
3.67 - Big Wheel
3.60 - Bighorn
3.50 - Big DNR
3.33 - Super Cali Fragile Disc
3.20 - Johnny Walker
Alchemy - Pat Vennebush
Big DNR - Zack Rader
Bighorn - Stanley Strunk
BigWheel - Mo Bunnell
Charred Guys - Jeff Pollak
Georgetown Brewing - Jerry Keister
Johnny Walker - Tad Miller
Moscow State - Jaideep Talwalkar
No Country - Joel Thompson
O.G. - Tom Nolan
Old Man Winter - Mike Hixenbaugh
Ozark Hillbillys - Luis Montes
Rust Belt - Marc Zigterman
Shadows - n/a*
Super Cali Fragile Disc - Trey Paulissen
Surly - Andrew Rutledge

* did not get a nominee


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