2013 National Championships - Mixed Recap - Day 1

Posted: October 18, 2013 09:26 AM

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Day one started out the same for most of the teams on this unusually chilly Texas morning: a lot of turnovers and slow starts.  By the end of the day, there were a few suspenseful finishes which resulted in two teams breaking seed to win their pool:  Wild Card, who completely shuffled their pool after claiming a couple tight games, and Drag’n Thrust, who lifted the weight of a considerable deficit against AMP. Also worth noting: Odyssée and Ambiguous Grey broke seed from the four spots to help secure easier routes for the rest of the tournament. 

Pool A

(3-0) A2 Minneapolis
Drag'n Thrust

In the first round, Drag’n Thrust met with Odyssée with plans for redemption for their loss to them at the U.S. Open.

Drag’n Thrust went up 3-0, and then traded points for the remainder of the game.  At one point Odyssée, experimented with zone, quickly finding out they were playing into a Drag’n Thrust strength. They quickly scrapped the zone for a hard man defense that contested DnT’s deep looks. Odyssée turned up their defense to tie the game at 12s, game to 13.

After being issued their third TMF, DnT had the misfortune of starting universe point with Odyssée already set up on defense at the goal line. DnT turned the disc over, but got it back after an unfortunate Odyssée scoober that was blocked by DnT’s Jaime Glader. Drag’n Thrust proceeded to throw a few patient passes to claim their first win of the weekend. This wasn’t the only nail biter for Drag’n Thrust.

In the last round of the day, they started out rusty after a four-hour bye and immediately went down a couple breaks to AMP. Any time DnT’s offense gave away the disc, AMP’s D-line converted the opportunity. Drag’n Thrust had their backs to the wall and were down 11-7 before calling a time out to help change their mentality.

(2-1) A4 Montreal
(1-2) A1 Philadelphia
(0-3) A3 New York

Knowing the prequarter match up against the four seed was at stake, Drag’n Thrust started running tighter lines and moved offensive player Austin Lien to the D line to help capitalize on any of AMP’s errors. Owing largely to the huge defensive presence of Jake McKean, Jay Drescher and Sarah Meckstroth, they managed to force the turnovers and score the points necessary to tie it up and eventually win in universe. 

In their first game of the day, AMP took an early two-break lead over 7Express. They employed a zone defense, which 7Express handled with relative ease, before starting to put a lot of pressure on the downfield under cuts in a man defense. The pressure made 7Express complete a lot of passes between their handlers and sometimes force some deep shots they couldn’t come down with. The teams continued to trade points before 7Express lost momentum and a few more breaks. The game ended 15-9. 
Odyssée’s close loss to Drag’n Thrust was the wake-up call they needed to prepare them for their match up against overall top-seeded AMP.  Odyssée captain Jean-Lévy Champagne set the tone immediately with a goal-line block, followed up by and assist.  They continued their early run and established a 5-1 lead. AMP was unable to break enough to get back into the game, and Odyssée closed out the game 14-8.  Next on Odyssée’s journey was 7Express. New York’s defense has carried the team all year, but so far has had trouble converting their break opportunities. Odyssée took the lead quickly but still had to fight hard through 7’s high-pressure handler defense. Despite a few great blocks by Ryan Drost and Ruozhou Ye, 7Express fell victim to some unforced turnovers and conceded the game 14-8.  


Pool B

(3-0) B1 San Francisco
Polar Bears

The Polar Bears proved they really are the team everyone wants to avoid this weekend by winning their pool pretty handily. At points during their game with The D’oh! Abides, there were small signs of the Bears letting up, but D’oh! wasn’t able to take advantage.

D’oh’s first match up of the day against Ambiguous Grey saw both teams filling their turnover columns on the stat sheets. Ambiguous Grey managed to stay close, despite three early drops in the end zone, but was unable to close the gap against an increasingly solid D’oh. In the pool’s three v. four match up, Cahoots went down 0-5 to Ambiguous Grey, when they were unable to connect some rushed deep shots.

Ambiguous’ D-line offense frustrated Cahoots’ by working the disc for a few short passes before extending the long ball for several goals. After several miscues, Cahoots got a few breaks back to bring them closer to their opponents but eventually succumbed 14-10.

(2-1) B2 Seattle
The DOH Abides
(1-2) B4 Washington, D.C.
Ambiguous Grey
(0-3) B3 Asheville

Pool C


(3-0) C3 Boston
Wild Card

Thursday’s first shock of the day was delivered by Wild Card in their game versus the overall three seed, Chad Larson Experience. Both teams had very few turn-free offensive points, yet neither team earned any breaks in the first half. A very athletic Wild Card defensive line capitalized on CLX’s mistakes late in the game, bringing them to universe point and an eventual 15-14 win.

In their second game, Chad Larson again started off playing close with their opponent, this time 7 Figures. Shortly after half, captain Neil Hanke fired up the sidelines with a huge layout block followed by a goal, received from Dan Brennan. In the next point, Blake Larson also laid out for a block and immediately went deep to catch a goal from John Misra. CLX finished their day strong against Mischief, managing to keep a close lead throughout the game, owing mostly to several veteran "up" calls from Barrett Davis.

Wild Card continued their streak to take the top seed from their pool, beating Mischief in another tight game and 7 Figures 14-10.

(2-1) C1 Ames
Chad Larson Experience
(1-2) C2 San Francisco
(0-3) C4 Los Angeles
7 Figures

Pool D

(3-0) D1 Boston
The Ghosts

The first round’s match up pitted The Ghosts against Cosa Nostra. Cosa Nostra suffered from a series of miscues throughout the game as The Ghosts played a tight, force-middle zone. Cosa played catch a lot amongst their handlers and sometimes forced 50/50 throws they weren’t able to come down with.  Cosa’s defense was able to create some turnovers from The Ghosts’ interesting offense but couldn’t break through for scores.

Cosa met Slow White in their next round, which started out with points being traded.  After an attention-grabbing layout block by Matthew Bierschenk, Cosa took the lead until Slow went on a four-point run to get some separation and eventually take the game 15-10.  Cosa’s last game of the day against Steamboat proved to be a bit more difficult than they imagined. By this time, Steamboat had already played against and lost to Slow White and The Ghosts, improving with each opportunity but still hoping for their first Nationals victory. They brought renewed intensity and focus into this game, reeling in more Ds, even seeing a great layout from Aaron Schwartz.


(2-1) D2 Boston
Slow White
(1-2) D3 Austin
Cosa Nostra
(0-3) D4 Cincinatti

Steamboat quickly learned who did what for Cosa and respected their throwers by communicating, putting pressure on the offense and adjusting to what they were doing.  With the cap quickly approaching and still at a deficit, Cosa mixed up the defensive line and made sure their offensive line didn’t get broken any more to bring the game to universe. Cosa finished off the game 15-14 and avoided the upset.

In the Boston showdown of The Ghosts versus Slow White, The Ghosts were able to continue their late-season dominance of Slow and take the win. The Ghosts, who at least as of Regionals and Nationals, have their full roster with them, used the same zone look against Slow White that they had used against Cosa. It worked well enough to keep them in the lead and eventually give them the game 14-12. 

Looking Ahead:

Friday will start out with all the team’s playing in the prequarters at 11:45 am (CT), and some of the match ups will be quite a bit more difficult than originally projected.  Notable games to keep an eye on are The D’oh! Abides vs. Mischief and Slow White vs. AMP.  Boston mixed ended the day well; the city’s only loss came at the hands of a fellow Boston team. Should Slow White and Wild Card win their prequarter games, they will meet in the quarters, unfortunately one knocking out the other when they have both so far shown they have the strength to be semifinalists.  As expected, all of the four seeds will see difficult prequarter games, especially 7 Figures as they face off against the Polar Bears. The Bears have so far shown little sign of weakness. 


Day 1 - Highlights - Images by CBMT creative


Highlights - Nationals Day 1 from Micah Tapman on Vimeo.



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