2012 Winter Board Meeting Recap

Posted: January 23, 2012 03:01 PM
USA Ultimate's Board of Directors held its semiannual in-person meeting in Denver on the weekend of January 14th. The primary goals for the meeting were to:
  • Identify Board officers and committees for 2012 (our Committees act as the vehicle for meaningful work to occur outside of the in-person meetings)
  • Continue work on USA Ultimate's 2013-2018 Strategic Plan (an effort that started mid-2011, has included a good deal of survey work with members, and will by mid-2012 result in a published, high-level Plan for our organization for the next 6 years) 
  • Continue work on our effort to fundamentally improve USA Ultimate governance (bylaws, policies, representation, communications, etc. - these things are essential to the long-term health of an organization like USA Ultimate...we had not systematically revisited our governance approach in years, and now is the time!) 
The full-time staff from USA Ultimate's headquarters participated in much of the meeting and we made a great deal of progress. 
We are very excited to have oversight of the organization in 2012, a year that will see:
  • Initial steps of Club Restructuring
  • The inaugural US Open, a new combined international tournament and conference 
  • Roll-out of new programs to support the development of city leagues across the country
  • Finalization and communication of USA Ultimate's 2013-2018 Strategic Plan (notably, 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the sport, and we are planning on a big celebration!) 
During 2012 the officers that will have oversight of the Board will be Mike Payne (President), Gwen Ambler (Vice President), Kathy Hendrickson (Treasurer), and Sandy Park (Secretary).  Rounding out ExComm will be Audrius Barzdukas (At-Large Member).  We are also looking forward to lots of great work and guidance from the rest of our Board, which includes 4 new members.
Finally - if you have any comments, questions, or ideas that you'd like to communicate to the leadership of USA Ultimate, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Board or staff.
Looking forward to a great 2012,
Mike Payne, on behalf of the full Board