2012 US Open -- Mixed Day 3 Recap

Posted: July 7, 2012 10:15 PM
What was supposed to be Friday/s last round carried over to Saturday morning, featuring all 8 Mixed teams battling two rounds in a row. The most exciting game of the first round featured CLX and Slow White. The Iowans had been playing inconsistently across the tournament, showing bursts of intensity and amazing plays but in general failing to stay strong throughout a complete game; on the other hand Slow White had yet to lose a game. While some might be quick to pick Boston to win, they came out flat, looking tired early on. The teams traded points until just before half, where CLX rattled off two breaks in a row. They ended up taking half and winning 9-8.
Unfortunately for CLX, Both Odyssée and Drag'n Thrust (who were seeded 7 and 4 respectively, CLX seeded third) finished out pool play with the same record as them, forcing these three teams and the top Polar Bears into a four way tie. Due to point differential CLX was forced out of semis; Drag'n Thrust would move on to face Slow White and Polar Bears were set to face Odyssée who they had lost to on universe point the day before.
2012USOpen D3 X1 Leclaire
PHOTO CREDIT: Kevin Leclaire, Ultiphotos.com
The rain began to pour as rounds kicked off. Impressively, the wetness didn't seem to affect the players throws. Polar Bears went up early, taking a commanding lead of 10-4 when the games were delayed. They repeatedly took advantage of Odyssée's overthrown hucks and did a good job of retaining possession through intense man defense by ensuring dump options were always available. This seems like a lead too insurmountable for the Canadians to come back from, and they'll need a miracle to take this game from some hungry bears who can already taste victory.
The other semi featured an exciting game as well, though much closer than the first. In the second round of play Drag'n Thrust had lost to Slow White 11-8. However, all of Drag'n's preseason conditioning was clearly paying off as they maintained fast play throughout the tournament. They were able to outrun Slow White time and time again and layout for defensive blocks, putting them up a few breaks. However, the game was called at 9-6. Slow White is a strong team, and having the night to rest could be very beneficial for the Bostonians. If they come out fired up they could quickly narrow the gap and give Drag'n Thrust a hard time closing out the game. With a half hour of play left to go, this game will kick off the last day of play with what is guaranteed to be an exciting game.  
2012USOpen D3 X1 Wu
PHOTO CREDIT: Brandon Wu, Ultiphotos.com

Mixed Division Schedule (SRT)


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