2011 Hall of Fame Slate of 8 Selected - Your Feedback Requested

Posted: November 23, 2011 02:08 PM


The Hall of Fame Committee is pleased to announce the Slate of 8 candidates selected for consideration for the 2011 Hall of Fame.  This year, six Open and two Women candidates will be considered for up to five spots in the Hall of Fame.  The eight candidates, along with a partial listing of the teams on which they played, includes: 


  • Ken Dobyns:             KABOOM!, New York, Cojones, Raleigh Lama 
  • Tom Heimann:           St Louis Tunas, Windy City, Night Train
  • Cliff Marhoefer:         Condors, Oregon Donors, Rhino Slam
  • Keay Nakae:             Hotsox, Condors, Iguanas
  • Mike O'Dowd:            Windy City, Double Happiness 
  • Finlay Waugh:           Stanford, Flying Circus, Rude Boys



  • Wende Coates Pinz:   Ultimates, Windjammers, Safari, Condors, Block Party
  • Amy Wilbur:              Survival, Godiva


Congratulations to these Hall of Fame finalists.  It's a high honor to be selected for this list. From this list, up to 5 individuals will be selected for induction into the Hall of Fame by the Voting Committee.  All those in the Ultimate community who are familiar with these candidates are encouraged to provide any review and comment that they would like to have considered by the voters. This feedback, both laudatory and critical, is an important part of the committee's consideration and we encourage the candid participation of all those who have had personal experience with the candidates. All feedback will be kept strictly confidential and will be available only to the committee members as part of their deliberations. 

Please complete a Google Docs survey (responses will be anonymous unless otherwise designated).  This survey will close Sunday, December 11, 2011.

Thank You,

Hall of Fame Vetting Subcommittee

  • Suzanne Fields (Chair and Women's Coordinator)
  • Robert "Nob" Rauch (Contributor Coordinator)
  • David Barkan (Open Coordinator)
  • Henry Thorne (USA Ultimate Board Liason)