2011 GMMW Championships - Sunday GM Recap

Posted: July 12, 2011 01:03 PM


In the early morning of the second day, teams had to battle not only against sore muscles from the day before but the wet grass as well. But teams were ready to take on their quarterfinal match ups in hopes of coveting the 2011 Grand Master title.

Scrapple VS T-Rex

• Scrapple decided to start the quarters off with a big huck to put themselves on the board fast, but then moved to the short game and worked the disc around and up the field patiently for the first half.
• T-Rex started their offense off with keeping two handles back in the hope of moving the back field, but time after time they found themselves looking at an open field waiting for their team to come from behind.
• Scrapple maintained an aggressive defense including a lot of layout attempts and a nice Callahan by JB Harrington. 
• With T-Rex having a problem connecting their deep throws and Scrapple moving seamlessly in the first half, Scrapple was able to take half with a 7-2 lead.
• During half time, T-Rex’s Rod Hannon talked to his team about the need to be more aggressive during both offense and defense. The team also took some time to warm up their throws a little more.
• After the half, T-Rex’s Sunny Lo and Mike Riley picked up some momentum in the backfield and improved T-Rex’s cutting by a large margin. Scott VandeLinde, Andy Brewer and Christian Schwoerke did a great job working against the Scrapple zone and working the disc up for an easy score.
• Unfourtunatly they were not able to hold up against Scrapple’s Bill Marron’s hucks and stand out Trey Katzenbach. The Scrapple gang was able to pound out a 13-6 victory and a trip to the semis.

Surly VS Chico’s

• For the first couple points both teams had trouble with the wet grass and were seen slipping and sliding all over the field. But Surly’s patient offense helped them pull ahead of the Indianapolis based Chico’s.
• Chico’s had early troubles with their defense and found their team hucking the disc a lot. With the help from all star Steve LaCrosse, Chico’s was able to go into the half only three points behind, 4-7.
• During the half time, Surly quickly pointed out the fact their guys can beat most of the Chico’s guys on the running game and came out with the motto of “just keep scoring.
• Surly’s Paul Anderson took the halftime talk to heart and came out strong in the second half and easily became Surly’s lead scorer.
• To finish the game, Rich Wright had a nice huck to seal Surly’s trip to the Semi’s with a 13-6 victory.

Death or Glory VS Old and in the Way

• Tempers get heated early on.  Multiple turnovers and foul calls significantly slow the game down.
• #15 from Old and in the Way throws a full field huck to #10 Aaron Brown to make the score 5-1, Old and in the Way.  Death or Glory returns to their line noticeably disheartened.
• #67 Mike Kuhns from Old and in the Way gets a handblock, then they throw a full field huck from #13 Buzz Ellsworth to #29, who grabs the disc just in front of the end zone over #88 Jim Parinella from Death or Glory.
• #3 John Rodgers from Old and in the Way gets a layout D 10 yards in front of the end zone.  Old is able to convert this for a score.
• DoG and Old and in the Way started out strong and traded the first few points, but Old is able to get the Ds and convert on offense.
• DoG makes a couple of great decisions with the disc and is able to start trying to come back and getting momentum, but it’s too late in the game for them to come back enough to win.

Big Sky VS Boulder Gun Club

• Boulder Gun Club receives to start the game and work it down the field but turn the disc near the end zone.  However, they get D on Big Sky’s first throw and immediately score.
• Boulder Gun Club comes out playing hard, inspired D, getting several first throw Ds to take half 7-0.
• Big Sky is finally able to work it down the field to end Boulder Gun Club’s run. Score is 8-1, Boulder.
• Big Sky is able to work the disc down the field a few times for scores, but it’s it too late in the game to put much of a dent into Boulder Gun Club’s lead
• #43 Dan Carson from Boulder Gun Club throws a full field huck to #15 Jim Nolte to end the game.
• Boulder Gun Club played this game like the textbook answer to “how to play D”.


In one of the semifinal match, the men of Surly found themselves up against the Scrapple squad. The two teams let emotions fly high on the field with a lot of calls made and tensions growing high on and off the field.

Scrapple VS Surly

• Scrapple placed an aggressive mark on the Surly offense, forcing a lot of the Surly handles to drop back and rely on the dump swing.
• With the lead of Scrapple’s handler Brendan Smith, the team found themselves out to a nice lead.
• That lead was quickly demised thanks to the handling of Surly’s Chris Hickman who helped catch Surly up.
• After Surly’s quick pick up, Scrapple’s Curtis Maier quickly made use of the open middle field and captain Trey Katzenbach took control of the offense always finding the disc for his team.
• With a halftime score of 7-5, Scrapple, both teams took the time to talk to their respected teams. Scrapple spent most of the half talking about the importance of a strong mark. While Surly, who were worn out from Scrapple’s running game talked about the importance of the dump swing. Surly left the half with the cry of “get fired up!”
• Scrapple continued to use their subs to their advantage and ran hard for the rest of the second half, but it was Surly who scored quickly and was able to tie the score at 7 apiece.
• Scrapple would not stand for that, and quickly answered with two of their own points to regain their lead.
• While Hickman’s started to have problems on the field for Surly, Scrapple’s Arnold Sanchez found himself improving all around on field and helped lead his team to a 13-10 victory and one of the coveted spots in the Championship game.

Boulder Gun Club VS Old and in the Way

• Both teams come out hard.  After several turns near the end zone for both teams and a time out for the busted cleat on Old and in the Way, Boulder Gun Club is finally able to catch the disc in the end zone for a score.
• #44 Randy Ricks from Old and in the Way throws a full field huck, but it pops out of the receiver #11 Scotty Bennet’s hands.  Boulder responds with a huck of their own from #25 John Leach to #15 Jim Nolte just in front of the end zone.  They have to work the disc for a bit, but are able to score.
• Boulder gets a D as Old works it down the field, but throw it away almost immediately.  #44 Randy Ricks hucks the disc to #2 Rob Bleiburg who lays out for Old’s first score of the game
• #21 Jason Brask throws a half field huck to #32 Tom Etchison, who bobbles it out of his hands, but is able to catch the disc on a lay out to make it 3-1 Boulder Gun Club.
•  Old and in the Way huck the disc down the field, but it falls just short of the endzone.  #11 Scotty Bennet is able to score off a disc deflected by his defender’s shin.  4-2, Boulder.
• Old comes out with a zone to try and slow Boulder down and get the game within one point, but Boulder has absolutely no problem finding the holes and working the disc down the field to score.  5-2, Boulder
• #8 Doug Moellering from Boulder Gun Club reminds us how hard Boulder plays D with a layout, but Boulder throws the disc away.  Old and in the Way hammers to the end zone, but Doug gets another D.  Boulder can’t convert on Doug’s D again, and Old is able to work it in for the score.  5-3, Boulder.
• Boulder Gun Club and Old and in the Way play the rest of the point in similar fashions, with multiple turnovers/Ds from each team on most points. Even though Boulder makes a lot of uncharacteristic drops/throw aways, but they are almost always able to get the disc back with their defense.  #00 Dave Remucal from Boulder is all over the place on defense and offense, getting multiple bookends and even catching a push pass for a score.  Hucks are abundant from both sides, but it’s Boulder’s D and intensity that allows them to win this game.


After a long rest, Pennsylvania’s’ Scrapple found themselves looking down the field from Boulder Gun Club, a new team to the Gran Masters stage. Both teams had a considerable young roster and were able to hold off their opponents pretty well leading up to the finals.

2011 GMMW D2 Bikun (2)

PHOTO CREDIT: Elizabeth Bikun

• To start the game, Scrapple decided to go for the quick point and AJ Iwaszko was able to find Trey Katzenbach in the end zone after a full field huck to quickly put Scrapple in the lead and had Boulder Gun Club looking at their first time being behind all weekend.

• Before the game, Scrapple talked about how they wanted to work on improving their defense and they didn’t disappoint. From the start, Scrapple put on a hard defense and showed that they were not afraid to throw their bodies in the name of a D.

• With Scrapple playing a nice clean game, Boulder Gun Club was finally able to work through some frustration to put themselves on the board, but not after Scrapple score three times.

• Under the spectacular playing by Arnold Sanchez, Scrapple was able to value the disc and keep up a fast offense.

• On the other hand, the hot Cincinnati heat was starting to take its toll on the Boulder Gun Club who found themselves having problems with their once strong defense and not valuing their offensive turns on the disc.

• The Boulder Gun Club did have a few big moments on D, which perked the team up for a few points, but at half the team found themselves down by four with a score of 3-7.

• After half, Boulder’s John Leach was able to come out with a big D on the end zone to help boost team moral. The team found that most of their early scores were based on long hucks and so did Scrapple who quickly started to shut down Boulder’s deep cutters.

• Toward the end of the game, the Boulder Gun Club that most teams had battled throughout the weekend started to take form and they started to gain a slight comeback.

• In the end, Scrapple’s Paul Darling finished the game in true Grand Master style by catching a hammer in the end zone.

• Scrapple picked up its first Grand Masters title with a 13-9 victory over the Boulder Gun Club.

2011 GMMW D2 Kotvis (24) vert

Scrapple's Trey Katzenbach with the grab in the finals of the 2011 Grand Masters Championships.

PHOTO CREDIT: Steve Kotvis [f/go]


2011 GMMW D2 Kotvis (19)

2011 Grand Masters Champions, Scrapple
PHOTO CREDIT: Steve Kotvis [f/go]

Final Standings:

1 - Scrapple
2 - Boulder Gun Club
3T - Old and In The Way
3T - Surly
5 - DoG
6 - T-Rex
7 - BiGS
8 - Chico's Bail Bonds
9 - Ball & Chain
10 - The Le Grande Tigre
11 - Iron City Ultimate
12 - Moscow State
13T - Sick Hammers
13T - Ozark Hillbillys
15T - Old Milwaukee
15T - Thirst'N'Howl

Full Results

Team Spirit Award Winner:
- Ozark Hillbillys