2010 GM/MW Championships - Phase 1 Bids Awarded

Posted: March 18, 2010 03:44 PM

Phase 1 Bids Awarded! The USA Ultimate is excited to announce that the response to this years event has been even greater than expected. Twenty-seven teams applied for the sixteen spots in the Grand Masters division and thirteen teams have applied for the Masters Women's. The following teams have been awarded bids in their respective division.

Grand Masters Division

Team Name  Region Location 
Age Againist the Machine      Central Cincinnati, OH
Surly Central IL/MI/MN/MO/OH
Rigor More Disc Mid-Atlantic      Baltimore, MD
Boneyard's Boneyard Mid-Atlantic Raleigh, NC
DoG Northeast Boston, MA
Gods of Ultimate Northeast NY/CT
Moscow State Northeast New York, NY
Big Sky Grand Northwest Ketchum, ID
Burnside Northwest Portland, OR
TBD Northwest Seattle, WA
Ball & Chain South Atlanta, GA
Ozark Hillbilly's South Fayetteville, AR
Southern Comfort South Austin/Dallas
Nice Guys Southwest San Diego, CA
Old and in the Way Southwest Boulder, CO
Yomo Fog Oho Southwest                Boulder/Denver


Masters Women's Division

Team Name                        Region                      Location 
MOJO 2.0 Central          Columbus, OH          
Retro Mid-Atlantic        Raleigh, NC
TBD Mid-Atlantic Philadelphia, PA
Nicely Stacked Northwest San Francisco, CA
Old Scores to Settle    Northwest Salt Lake City, UT
Top Shelf South Atlanta, GA
Hot Flash Southwest Boulder, CO
Los Rucas Southwest Tucson, AZ
Safaritarians Southwest San Diego, CA
Dirty XXX Southwest Boulder, CO
Well Done Southwest Boulder/Denver


See the Grand Masters and Masters Women's team pages.

Phase 2 registration is now open for the Masters Women's Division. Teams must register and submit a $220 deposit by April 23 (5PM Mountain Time) by submitting a Phase 2 Team Application Form to USA Ultimate headquarters.

Note: Awarding of Phase 2 bids will be contingent upon space available at the event. Space is very limited, and teams not awarded bids will be placed on a wait list.