2006 World Juniors Ultimate Championships - Daily Log - August 11th

Posted: August 11, 2006 03:04 AM

On the second day of the training camp both groups of players have begun to feel like real teams.  Both on and off field roles have begun to flesh themselves out, trust has been built, and everybody has begun to feel more comfortable.  Once again, the two teams practices were similar.  More focus was paid to advanced and alternate strategies on both O and D with a lot of time for focused scrimmages and game simulating drills like 10 pull.  I would go into increased detail on the strategies both teams are preparing but will not to avoid tipping the teams' hands.  You can use your imagination though to create the most elaborate and cutting edge offensive and defensive schemes but you will be very far off.  Both teams' strategies are elegantly simple due to the limited time to practice; The main theme is to be on the same page.

I do want to go into a little bit about the players themselves.  This 39 young men and women from across the country are the most remarkable that I've met in the four years that I've been the Director of Youth Development.  The character and commitment of these players is unmatched.  Their willingness and desire to work and support their teammates is beyond admirable.  As one of many examples is two players on the women's side, Hana Kawai and Emily Damon.  Both players injured themselves in the month prior to the tournament; Hana dislocated her shoulder and Emily tore her ACL.  Both have still followed through on their commitment to the US Juniors team and are here at the camp supporting their teammates with their voices and their heart.  As any player who has been injured can atest, it is no easy task when your body wants so much to be on the field.  This commitment from two players on the team who will never see the field is what makes a team great.  Their drive pushes those on the field playing becuase they know they owe their teammates all of their effort.

Jerseys are being handed out and team captains are being decided in meetings right now.  Tomorrow I will post the captains and will also talk about the final day of training camp which includes a game between the US Boys and a scout squad of current and former Amherst players.