2005 World Games - Team USA Brings Home Gold

Posted: July 24, 2005 11:39 PM

Duisburg, Germany
July 21-24

Based on the success of the gold medal finishes of the US Junior Open, Masters, Mixed, silver medal for the US Junior Women's and Open, and bronze medal of the US Women's teams at the World Ultimate Championships in Turku, Finland in 2004, the US has qualified for participation in the 2005 World Games in Duisburg, Germany.

Based on this qualification, the UPA, as the national governing body for the sport of Ultimate in the United States, selected a team for the 2005 World Games based on the Player Mission Statement approved by the UPA Board of Directors in 2001, World Games players were chosen who "represent the best of US Ultimate in play and in sportsmanship. Players were chosen based on high skill as prerequisite, with service to the sport, championship experience, ambassadorial qualities, and ability to fit into the team all valued highly in the selection process." A total squad of 19 (men and women) were selected (11 first team members and 8 alternates).  Click here to see the player profiles

Matched against Australia in the final game, Team USA came home with the gold medal!  Here is a link to the stats from the final game of USA 13, Australia 11.  For additional scores, stats, and photos check out WFDF's website.