"The overall goal for warming up before the first game of the day should be to get everyone's body and mind ready to compete at its peak level"
-- Max Cook
"In order to ensure longevity, remain injury free and perform at the highest possible level we must spend time rolling and stretching (decreasing density, increasing length) and taking care of our individual issues."
-- Tim Morrill
"Having a well executed pre-game warm-up can literally mean the difference, in my opinion, between winning or losing the game."
-- Chelsea Putnam
"Pre-game routines are where great leaders keep it simple, fun and efficient so that the energy goes where it is needed most: the game."
-- Ben Wiggins
"Successful teams, sometimes by accident, but more often by design, share amongst their members a common set of values, attitudes and goals. These characteristics define the identity of a given team, and ultimately create the culture of that team."
-- John Korber
"If team culture is simply a set commonly held attitudes and beliefs about a team, then the reason for wanting to encourage helpful culture is straightforward: it helps performance."
-- John Sandahl
"The most important thing to realize about your team’s culture is that it will change every season."
-- Miranda Roth
Whether you are warming-up your mind/body, learning by repetition, simulating real game scenarios, or even just getting on the same page as a team -- practice plays an important role in any sport. What it boils down to is that it is not just the amount you practice, but how you are using that time that can separate the good teams from the great. Here are some tips that can help you make the most of your practice time.