How can I purchase a Learn to Play kit?
Complete the general merchandise order form (click HERE), and include at least one Learn To Play kit at current member pricing in your order. Be sure to indicate your desire for your organization to receive a complimentary Youth-Serving Organization membership in the appropriate field, and our staff will process appropriately.
The information entered on the order form will be used to create or identify an appropriate USA Ultimate user account for your organization with a membership applied by USAU staff.
What is the free Youth-Serving Organization membership?
The Youth-Serving Organization membership is designed for multisport organizations who would like to add the sport of ultimate to their menu of programs for youth. Types of eligible organizations include:
- After school programs
- Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troops
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- Catholic Youth Organizations
- Jewish Community Centers (JCCs)
- Parks & Recreation departments (i.e. City Parks and Rec)
- School PE classes (elementary, middle and high schools)
- Summer Camps (or Track Out Camps in areas with year-round school calendars)
- YMCA Chapters and Assocations
What are the benefits of a Youth-Serving Organization membership?
- Learn to Play kit
- Covers two calendar years, 12/31 of the following year.
- Purchase additional materials at member-discounted pricing
- Discs at $6 a piece
- Kits at $90 a kit
- Close connection to USA Ultimate's volunteer structure and staff
- Being in the know on upcoming programs and outreach initiatives
For more membership details, visit our membership home page.
Have more questions?
Send us an email at membership@usaultimate.org or give us as call at 719-219-8322 and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have!