Chaperoning Minors at USA Ultimate Events

Chaperones are a key part of any team that has youth athletes on it. Some chaperones are also coaches, but no knowledge of the game is needed, and very often chaperones are volunteers or parents. Chaperoning a team can seem intimidating at first, particularly for people unfamiliar with ultimate but chaperones helps provide for the safety of the players and it can be a great way to become more involved in and learn about the sport.
When is a Chaperone required?
1) Any team with a player under the age of 18 (i.e., a legal minor) participating in USA Ultimate sanctioned and championships events requires a minimum of 1 chaperone per team.
2) Chaperones are required to be on the team roster at least 2 weeks before the team registration deadline. A chaperone must be listed on the event roster for players under age 18 to be added to the event roster.
3) A Chaperone may chaperone for only one team per event. (eg: Mr. Jones may not serve as a chaperone for both the A and B teams of his daughter's high school at the High School State Championship)
4) USAU High School Regional Championships and the Youth Club Championship events require 2 chaperones who must be 25 or older in age. Contact the Youth Championship Series Manager for details.
An approved chaperone has completed the following:
1) Has an individual USA Ultimate account and Membership.
2) Has signed a USAU liability waiver online
3) Is a minimum of 21 years old
4) Has completed SafeSport Training
- To complete SafeSport Training - go to the homepage of your USA Ultimate account. Towards the top of the page, you will see your SafeSport Status on the right side of the page. This is only available once you have a current membership. The cost of the SafeSport training is now included as a benefit covered by USA Ultimate membership dues.
5) Has completed a background screening through the National Center for Safety Initiatives (using the specific USA Ultimate criteria set) and received a "green light" (NCSI screening expires after two years)
- Pass a NCSI Background check (base cost is $21.50 for a two year duration, some additional costs are added by certain states and counties)
- Takes an average of 10 business days, so be sure to plan accordingly.
- NCSI is a provider for many Olympic and non-olympic sports, and a full partner with the US Olympic Committee's Safe Sport program.
- You can complete a check or find out the expiration date of your current check through your user account.
- To start the background screening process, follow these directions.
• Have immediate access to USAU Medical Authorization forms for all minors (or a USA Ultimate approved similar school or organization form).
• Be present at the event with the team throughout periods of competition.
• Be registered as a chaperone on the team's USAU roster a minimum of two weeks ahead of the event.
I'm a teammate or a coach with minors on my team, can I be a chaperone along with being a player or a coach?
Yes! For adult or college teams with minor players, the chaperone can be a teammate. A registered coach of a youth team should have already fufilled the requirements for chaperone, so if meeting the age requirement, they can be listed on the roster as a chaperone as well!
Parents or legal guardians can serve as a chaperone to their child (only) without undergoing a background screen, contact the event organizer for details.
• Athlete Protection; Background Screening, Concussion Safety, Health & Safety and Codes of Conduct
• Starting an Ultimate Club at Your School
• Ultimate in 10 Simple Rules
• Ultimate Coaching Ethics Code
• Organizer's Resource Center