Ultimate as we know it today was created in the summer of 1968, when The Founders experimented with rules while playing with a Frisbee at Columbia High School. Ultimate expanded to colleges around the northeast and around the country and gained enough popularity where unofficial National Championships were held in the mid to late 70s.
Eventually, the Ultimate Players Association (UPA) was formed in 1979 to govern the sport of Ultimate in the US. Since that time the UPA has grown by leaps and bounds, introducing College, Womens, Mixed, Masters, and Youth divisions, and becoming one of the fastest growing sports in the US. In late May, 2010, the organization transitioned from the Ultimate Players Association into USA Ultimate. By the end of 2019, USA Ultimate had grown to over 61,000 members.
UPA / USA Ultimate Archives
Hall of Fame
The USA Ultimate event archives serve as a living document to preserve and share our organization and sport's rich history from 1979 through today.
There two currently two types of pages: year pages (linked above), and division pages. (Ex: 2001 has pages for 2001 Youth, 2001 College, 2001 Club, and 2001 Masters)
You'll notice arrows within each page's gray navigation box as well as by the title of each subsection:
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Back one year for a page/subsection |
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Forward one year for a page/subsection |
In time, we will add to these pages with more information, detail, and better presentation as we go through our extensive and continually growing Ultimate archives. If you have any questions, corrections, or suggestions for these archives, please contact archives@usaultimate.org.
The Ultimate Hall of Fame was established in 2004 to honor the men and women "who by their deeds as Ultimate players and/or contributors, and by the example of their lives, merit acknowledgement by all individuals involved in the sport of Ultimate."
Special Merit
Are You an Alumni?
For so many, Ultimate has been a life changing experience – from the first forehand to the last layout, a playing career encompasses not just everything that happened on the field, but also all the joy and passion that comes with being part of a national community of like-minded individuals playing for the love of the game.
Your connection with the sport and the community can continue on, long past the end of your playing days. Whether it’s teaching your child to throw their first forehand huck, or volunteering your expertise to the local college team, Ultimate has a plethora of opportunities for individuals to stay involved in the community. Consider running for the Board of Directors, organizing a local youth club league or being trained as an Observer.
In recognition to the valuable contributions of non-playing members, USA Ultimate has two specially tailored membership levels, one for Coaches and one for Friends & Family. These memberships offer a great way to stay connected, while also receiving specific newsletters and information to your new role.
Not sure where to start? Just ask! We are happy to put you in touch with local organizers and teams for volunteer opportunities.
Other resources:
